The program is intended for restaurants, bars, fast-food outlets, nightclubs, etc. The System is designed for unlimited number of workplaces connected into a single network. The maximum number of workplaces is limited only by computer network capacity.
- Maximum operating speed and simple customer service;
- Minimum order processing and attendance management time. Orders printed by remote printers (in the bar, the kitchen);
- Prevention of order calculation errors;
- Retention and scan of operations of any level (sales, orders, cancellation, shift change, order transfer to another waiters and etc.);
- Reliable protection against unauthorized use of the system (with the aid of modern identification facilities and restrictions of the access to the software);
- Statistical sales and performance analysis;
- Loyalty system: application of flexible loyalty system results in greater customer attraction and increase of turnover volume;
The UVS POSCafe software divides workplaces into 4 categories:
- Cashier;
- Waiter;
- Barman;
- Manager.
Note: workplaces are entered into one central computer (manager’s or administrator’s), and one of the selected categories is used as option.
A manager works with the restaurant control program, which key functions are as follows:
- Formation of dishes;
- Dish printing “transfer” to a kitchen or a bar;
- Access levels administration (chief cashier, barman, waiter, room administrator, etc.);
- Graphic design skins control;
- "Hot keys", price, print size setting;
- Formation of sets;
- Assigning the status of unused to the dishes that are not temporarily cooked, etc.
A cashier, waiter and a barman work with POS software, which key function, depending on the access levels, are as follows:
- Order recording;
- Order transfer to the kitchen;
- Printing of an advanced receipt;
- Printing of fiscal receipt;
- Acceptance of payment by credit card;
- Close of a shift;
- Printing of reports, etc.