About Novitus
NOVITUS is the leader of the Polish market in the scope of technological solutions for commerce, services and logistics. Our brand is a synonym of the most modern IT and electronics technologies used in fiscal equipment, automatic identification devices and electronic scales. NOVITUS has one of the richest and most comprehensive offerings within this scope, and the company’s primary principle is to remain flexible and seek the best solutions for the real-life needs of our customers.
As first product for Latvian market we are offering model "sento"
SENTO E is a very modern fiscal cash register dedicated to small and medium points of sales and services and offering the function of electronic journal, i.e. recording a copy of printouts on an electronic data medium (SD card). The small and handy casing of the cash register hides an advanced technology and functionality previously found only in the segment of large systemic cash registers. The entire design is based on well-tested subsystems of the highest quality. Large – especially for this segment – database of articles, accurate article names, and numerous communication interfaces, including RS232 and USB ports (also of host type) allow an advanced sales system for a medium sales outlet to be built. The cash register can be connected to all necessary peripherals: barcode scanners (also USB-based), electronic scales, payment terminal, pin-pad, modem, order printer, monitoring system and cash drawers. Online communication with the computer is performed in a manner similar to large systemic cash registers. The device has an online buffer, able to store up to 10,000 cash desk receipts. Programmable article names can be up to 40 characters long and the PLU article database stores 7,000 products. A customizable description can be added on the receipt to each sold article.
The high quality “drop in and print” mechanism from Fujitsu works rapidly and, what is most important, enables the easy replacement of the paper roll – in SENTO E it can be done in a few seconds with one hand only. An additional benefit is the ability to use 60-meter paper rolls, guaranteeing the longer uninterrupted operation of the device. Paper consumption is radically reduced through the electronic journal feature. A keyboard of precise operation has 14 additional function keys allowing programming two levels of “quick sales” articles or frequently used functions, normally available from the cash register menu (e.g. reports, programming, printouts – including printouts from the electronic journal). In combination with two graphic LCD displays, the keyboard highly simplifies the everyday operation of the cash register.
Graphic displays
Two blue LCD displays. Highly legible transaction data and operator messages. Two standard work modes: 4 lines (higher density, smaller font) or 2 lines (large font). Fully flexible and customizable method of displaying information, displaying graphics.
Novitus brand sets the standards in the scope of fiscal equipment design. SENTO E benefits from this heritage – the device is compact, sleek, of modern appearance, and has ergonomically located features (keyboards, displays), which render many hours of work with SENTO E more pleasant and comfortable.
Electronic journal
The electronic journal used in SENTO E cash register is technologically very advanced, as the most secure and convenient in everyday use among the solutions available in the market. The SD card reader, where copies of the printouts are recorded, is installed at the bottom of the cash register and allows the user access to the SD card. Personnel can fully or selectively print data from the card with the use of the cash register’s printing mechanism. Data can be also browsed and analyzed on an external standard PC.
Data security is a critical issue in electronic journal devices. SD cards with an electronic journal are specially protected: they work in “no change outside of the fiscal device” mode, allowing the recorded data to be protected with a password and become “invisible” for the operating systems, if they are removed from the fiscal cash register in an inappropriate way. This protects the data stored in the card against the access of unauthorized persons.
Due to special care for data security, electronic journal devices from Novitus have an additional internal uSD card, which simultaneously stores all data from the external card accessible to the user. In the case of failure or if the data on the SD card are corrupted or the card is lost or destroyed, all stored data can be retrieved from the internal uSD card.
Additional features
Among its functions SENTO E enables handling parking lots, rentals, bus services (including printing tickets for programmed routes). The cash register allows the printing of multiple non-fiscal user-programmable printouts (e.g. admission ticket, transaction confirmation, pay phone charging, voucher, car wash tickets, telecode sales, bill payment receipt, issuing of a prize, exchange of means of payment and many others). Those printouts can be generated automatically under the cash desk receipt, can be associated to the receipt or can be produced separately. If a payment terminal is connected to the cash register, payment cards and loyalty systems can be supported.
Price: 295.00 EUR with VAT